- A+
“It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.”
「失败很不好,但从不尝试取得成功更糟。」– 西奥多‧罗斯福
TIP one
(标牌) Please Present Ticket
(口语) Tickets, please!
Valid Ticket Holders Only Beyond This Point
开车前 20 分钟停止验证
Ticket and ID Check Ends 20 Minutes Before Departure
TIP two
"实名制验票验证"这一关,海内外基本上都在使用 Ticket and ID Check,原因就是因为在这一环节要查的是车票(ticket)和身份证件(ID)。
与"开车前(若干)分钟停止检票"格式一样,我们也应该使用类似的格式,即:Ticket and ID check ends ____ minutes before departure。这里,departure 就是"开车"的意思。
Ticket & ID Check = 验票验证
(to) end = 结束
… minutes before departure = 开车前 ___ 分钟
TIP three
此门锁闭 请往回走
Door Locked - Please Go Back
此门锁闭 请由旁侧通过
This Door Locked - Please Use Side Door
Please use other entrances
“Please present your ticket and matching ID. Boarding will be denied to passengers whose documents do not match. Thank you for your cooperation.”
TIP four
Information for Railway Passengers
1. 请按票面标明的日期、车次凭票乘车,并在规定的时间内至到站。直达票中途下车,未乘区间失效。通票中途换乘需中转签证。
Your ticket is only valid for travel on a specified train and date, as stated on your ticket. You are to arrive at the exit station while your ticket is still valid. Midway exits will forfeit further onward travel on a direct ticket. If you hold a transfer ticket, register your transfer at the ticket office when changing trains.
2. 免费携带品:成人 20 千克、儿童 10 千克,长、宽、高之和不超过 160 厘米(动车组列车 130 厘米),超过规定需办理托运。禁止携带危险品及违章物品进站、乘车。
Free baggage allowance: 20 kg per adult, 10 kg per child; maximum combined length, width and height is 160 cm (130 cm for CRH trains) per item of luggage. Oversize luggage shall be consigned. Dangerous and illegal items may neither be brought onboard nor consigned.
3. 车站在开车前提前停止检票,进站安检、验证排队人数较多,请提前至指定场所候车,以免耽误旅行。
Ticket gates will close before departure. To avoid delays, please arrive early at your station. Queues are likely at Ticket, ID, and Security Check.
4. 实名制车票须凭乘车人有效身份证件原件,票、证一致方可退票、换票、中转签证;票、证、人一致方可进站、乘车。
Personal tickets require the passenger's ID document for purchase (originals only). Present matching ID for refunds, to replace lost tickets, at ticket pickup and to register transfers. Boarding will be denied for passengers whose documents do not match.
5. 未尽事项请参阅《铁路旅客运输规程》。如有变化以车站公告为准,敬请关注。旅行中请关注有关安全提示。如有疑问,请拨打 12306 客服电话垂询。
All other matters are handled as per the Railway Passenger Transport Regulations. Please check station publicity for any changes. Always observe safety instructions when travelling. China Railways Telephone Infoline: 12306.
TIP five
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